Posted on October 19, 2023 by Ronald Hirschberg
Although many of these terms are used are used interchangeably, they are decidedly different. They all refer to what is correctly known in the scientific world as Photobiomodulation (PBM). Photobiomodulation is the process by which light of appropriate wavelength (color) when applied within certain parameters (correct dose including frequency of beam,, treatment schedule, irradiance and duration of treatment) to living tissue, affects the biological processes occurring within the cell. In a diseased or stressed cell, PBM can accelerate the process by which this abnormal cell can return to normal function. Since all living tissues are made up of cells, PBM can help to speed the recovery of a patient.
So where do these terms differ? When utilizing PBM, light may be applied with LED’s (light emitting diodes) or with a source using laser diodes (laser therapy). Both lasers and LED arrays may use red light or near infrared light to treat patients. However red light does not penetrate as deeply as near infrared (NIR) light. This means that Red Light Therapy may be used to treat superficial injuries, whereas NIR light therapy is more effective for deeper conditions. Furthermore a laser produces what is known as coherent light which may penetrate more deeply than an LED light of similar parameters. So to summarize, while Red Light Therapy is useful in treating superficial conditions even if sourced from a laser, NIR is most effective at treating deeper tissues when sourced from an LED or laser. In some instances where very deep tissues are involved, NIR from a laser source may be the most effective in reaching the target.
In utilizing Photobiomodulation via Red Light Therapy, LED or Laser Therapy be it a clinician or pet owner, make sure you have a thorough understanding of the equipment being used. Only then can the most positive treatment outcome be achieved.