About Dr. H

Dr. Ronald Hirschberg has been the long term hospital director of the Brockton Animal Hospital, in Brockton, Massachusetts. He came to the hospital after graduating from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, and served as medical director for more than 30 years. During his tenure, Dr. Hirschberg developed the facility into a full service hospital emphasizing surgery as well as medicine. His areas of interest include orthopedics, ophthalmology, dermatology, and Photobiomodulation (previously known as Low Level Laser Therapy).

He is a recognized authority on Photobiomodulation and its application in companion animal medicine. His treatment protocols are published in THOR Photomedicine’s ("THOR Laser's") veterinary treatment manual. Dr. Hirschberg was invited to sit on a multi-day task force at the World Association of Photobiomodulation (WALT) international meeting in Nice, France in 2018 in an effort to create standardized protocols for several medical conditions.

His speaking engagements have included WALT (World Association of Laser Therapy), NAALT (North American Association of Laser Therapy), ASLMS (American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery) as well as many other national and international conferences. In 2012 he created an Educational Outreach Initiative, the purpose of which was to create broader opportunities to educate veterinarians and veterinary students as to the science and clinical application of Photobiomodulation. He has presented a CE approved course at many veterinary colleges throughout the United States, including Cornell University, Ohio State, University of California at Davis, Michigan State University and Auburn University, to name a few. He has written and published multiple articles and book chapters, on the application of Photobiomodulation in Veterinary Medicine, with particular emphasis on the treatment of Chronic Kidney (Renal) Disease.

Outside of his clinical and academic pursuits, Dr. Hirschberg enjoys sailing, rock climbing and racing sports cars. Having to choose between a life partner allergic to cats or cat ownership, he chose the human. However, he has had a long term relationship with Irish Setters and you will most often find him with a red dog at his side, be it at the race track, climbing venue or just strolling through woods near his home.

  • - James Carroll, CEO, THOR Photomedicine

    In my view, Ron Hirschberg is an exceptional veterinarian specializing in the field of Photobiomodulation. He possesses profound knowledge of PBM mechanisms and dosage, complemented by an excellent understanding of companion pet anatomy, physiology, and pathology, all backed by his extensive 20 years of hands-on experience. Not only is he an articulate and engaging speaker, but his stage presence, rigor, and clarity leave me in awe.

    - James Carroll, CEO, THOR Photomedicine
  • - Lilach Gavish, PhD, MPH, Senior Research Associate The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel

    As a researcher in the field of Photobiomodulation, my work spans both the science and clinical application. I have worked with Dr. Hirschberg on several projects, including applying light therapy to chronic kidney disease and tail wounds in companion animals. Working with Ron is always a great pleasure - he has a deep understanding of veterinary medicine and unique experience with light therapy. When I ask him a question, I know that he will ponder it from all sides and give me the best advice, and not less important, working with Ron is fun and always leaves me smiling.

    - Lilach Gavish, PhD, MPH, Senior Research Associate The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel
  • - Sey Cruz, Los Angeles

    Dr. Hirschberg’s kindness, compassion, and expertise are truly exceptional. He is meticulous and thoughtful, and although he is a conscientious man of science, it is remarkable that his mind is always open to alternatives that his patients may benefit from.

    - Sey Cruz, Los Angeles
  • Jerilyn Buzzetta

    Luna Buzzetta, a 15-year old female DSH cat with stage 4 chronic kidney disease, advanced hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and congestive heart failure was brought for PBMT treatment under Dr. Hirschberg’s supervision. PBMT has vastly improved her quality of life in terms of appetite, energy levels, and overall demeanor. Within a week of starting PBMT, Luna started playing vigorously and having the “zoomies” again after having a much lower energy level for five months since diagnosis of CHF and CKD.

    Jerilyn Buzzetta